參賽形式:一篇介乎1,500至3,000字嘅評論文章 或一段15分鐘以內嘅評論短片;中英不拘
得獎者仲可以自由參與後續獎勵活動,每篇新評論作品仲有機會可額外獲得HK$800獎金,比賽及報名詳情 https://bit.ly/3UputJh
【"Arts Criticism Recognition Programme 2024 - Tertiary Students" Open for submission】
To encourage young individuals to actively participate in arts activities and to cultivate their involvement in arts criticism, and to enhance the public’s understanding and appreciation of arts, we are now open for submission for all tertiary students to share your unique perspectives through art criticism.
Competition: An arts critique either in written format ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 words or a short video within 15 minutes ; both in Chinese or English are accepted.
Scope : Participants can choose public programmes/works in five art forms: Visual Arts , Literature , Film , Music , and Theater .
Eligibility : Hong Kong permanent residents who are enrolled or graduated from local tertiary institutions, including Higher Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, and Doctoral/Research Programs, during the period from March 2023 to August 2024.
Deadline : 6pm, 29 August, 2024 (Thursday)
Prizes and Awards : There will be five awards set for each art form, with cash prizes of HK$5,000, HK$4,000, HK$3,000, HK$2,000, and HK$1,000 respectively.
Winners will also have the opportunity to participate in subsequent rewarding activity to receive an additional HK$800 cash prize for each new art review. For more information about the competition and application details, please refer to the provided link. https://bit.ly/44i0aIT